Under Lock and Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian
Impossible Crimes, Slight of Hands, and Family Curses....
This was one of my “12 recommended by friends” books to read during 2022, and I really enjoyed it! If you are looking for a good cozy read with a touch of magic in a locked room mystery with some fun characters, then look no further.
I loved the initial plot of the book and then just fell in love with the characters and their lives and stories. Tempest has found herself out of a Vegas magic show after her show was sabotaged, and she was blamed for the dangerous, ego driven stunt. Now back at home in California, she dreads the thought of having to work with the family business, Hidden Staircase Construction.
First of all, Hidden Staircase Construction is the best company ever! They basically come into your home and create hidden rooms. Who doesn’t want one of the secret rooms behind a bookshelf where you have to pull out Sherlock Holmes to open the door? It is through this company that we meet a lot of the diverse cast of characters.
As Tempest tries to deal with her recent life change, she is summoned to the house where there is a new construction project underway. As they are inspecting the pantry area, low and behold a body falls out of the wall. The body is that of Tempest’s stage double, Cassidy. Now the true mystery begins.
I won’t go through any more of the summary, but I will say that the pacing of the book is excellent, as one clue is uncovered, another obstacle is introduced. I loved the fact that there were several different puzzles doing on at once all somehow connected, yet so just seemingly disconnected. It is all about the multitude of misdirections.
Pandian does an excellent job of creating scenes without letting the reader know exactly what and why until it all plays out. The unknown is woven creatively throughout that it’s hard to put the book down, while the writing style is, well, light and fluffy. I can’t think how else to describe it. The descriptive writing with details and thought behind them paint such a magical world. And that world centers around Tempest’s family home, Fiddler’s Folly.
This is a child’s dream house. Her parents, a builder and a magician, built a home with so many hidden and magical features that need special keys and keen eyes. As a result, I feel that this could be very difficult to paint with words and really get across the magic of the structure, but it was done in a way that I want to live there. With the Treehouse built as basically an “in-laws' suite, Tempest’s grandparents also live at Fiddler’s Folly.
I’m a big fan of character driven stories, and while the conflict drives this plot, it really does come to life and hooks you with the characters that are involved. It’s hard to not have some empathy for Tempest and to not root for her to beat the odds.
“What happens when a carpenter and a stage magician fall in love? They form a Secret Staircase Construction business to bring magic to people through their homes.”
I don’t read a lot of books in this style or genre, but I will read more of this author and more of this series as it evolves. There were points where I thought I knew what was going on and was like “ugh, that’s so obvious” but was completely wrong. There were moments when I thought we had all the answers, only to discover that there were additional questions and more answers. Red herrings abound and, in my honest opinion, those are what really propel a mystery.
What I’m really trying to say is that this had it all.
Great characters who are flawed but make sense
Great setting
Convincing mystery created as an impossible crime
Believable red herrings so you really don’t know where to look
Realistic magic “tricks”
Family legacies? Or curses?
Excellent pacing and plot development
Focus on the importance of family and friends, second chances, and the idea that things happen for a reason.
Creative and imaginative concept
I feel that as I’ve written this that I haven’t really said anything, but at the same time have said so much. Taking Shrek’s onion analogy, this book is like an onion, It has layers!
Where does it land on my bookshelf?
I’d place it on my top shelf. It’s not a murder mystery thriller if that is what you are looking for. But, instead, it is a fun, super creative and imaginative read. I haven’t read anything like this, and that was a huge appeal for me! I continue to be intrigued not only by Tempest’s magic (I’d totally have attended her Vegas show), but also by the magic that the construction company makes for their customers. It was fun to see examples throughout the book in various locations. I highly recommend this fun book if you are looking for something light, fun, and quick.
And a shout out to Gigi Pandian during Asian American and Pacific Islander Month.
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